September Song Marcus Nimbler
September Song performed and programming by Marcus Nimbler written by Kurt Weill, Maxwell Anderson Please sit my GoFundMe Site : September Song Lyrics When I was a young man, courting the girls, I played me a waiting game. If a maid refused me with tossing curls, I let the earth take a couple of whirls. While I plied her with tears in lieu of pearls. And as time came around, she came my way, And as time came around, she came. Oh it s a long, long while, from May to December But the days grow short, when you reach September. When the autumn weather, turns the leaves to flame, One hasn t got time, for the waiting game. Oh, the days dwindle down, to a precious few. September. November. And these few precious days, I ll spend with you. These precious days, I ll spend with you. Oh, the days dwindle down, to a precious few. September. November. And these few precious days, I ll spend with you. These precious days, I ll spend with you.