Run DD Combat That Flows, , DM Pacing pt. 1
Galder s Gazetteer now LIVE If you love 5e and think cancer sucks, please support this by clicking through Your, DnD combat isn t dragging because it s slow, it s dragging because it lacks FLOW Want to run D D combat better Most of the advice out there will focus on making combats faster. And while speed is important, it isnt enough. Flow is what makes combat exciting It is what keeps players engaged and in the zone To make your combat flow, I recommend DMs: Dramatize transitions 2:11 Creating exigency 3:50 Prompt activity 4:57 Compress the resolution 6:07 10 tips on how I run fast combats 8:24 I want DMs to run D D combat better and more exciting for their games. By helping dungeon masters get better at making combat flow, they can play better games of dungeons and dragons I hope these combat tips help. , 65