Walter Veith Promoting Ecumenism, White Horse Revelation
It is very deceptive when one of the leading theologians and pastors of the SDA organization is speaking against ecumenism while yet supporting the glue of ecumensim. We see this same tactics used in many other organizations such as ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, Feminism groups, and so on. They claim to be standing against evil and corruption while supporting the core values of the evil that they are speaking against. It is very deceptive and misleading just as how satan will appear as an angel of light. If I have three ways to trick you and I only tell you two of them I am still tricking you. Walter Veith does a great job at exposing the corruption with education, natural law, and ecumenism but has left out the main issue of the trinity. The trinity is how the world wonders after the beast. The trinity is the core to the deception and why so many are drunk off the wine of babylon. For more information on this please checkout the videos and literature in the description below and help us share this mess