10 Foods That May Increase Your Good Cholesterol or HDL
How does food affect cholesterol Many processed foods are high in saturated and trans fats, which can increase your LDL and total cholesterol levels. However, not all fats are bad for cholesterol levels. ResearchTrusted Source suggests that eating foods high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, as well as antioxidants, may help improve HDL levels and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Making the right food choices may also help lower your LDL levels, which improves your HDLtoLDL ratio. For instance, a 2020 studyTrusted Source found that following the Mediterranean diet effectively lowered overall blood cholesterol in people with risk factors for metabolic disease. This diet focuses on eating healthy fats and whole foods. Olive oil Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat, which may help lowerTrusted Source the inflammatory impact of LDL cholesterol on your body. A 2023 review also found that consuming olive oil high in polyphenols significantly incr