Dante s Inferno Animated (2010)
The movie is separated into several parts. Each chapter is animated with different styles. These vary in degree of difference and depict Dante with differing features, such as hair length, bodily proportions and armor. The film starts with Dante s return from the Third Crusade. Speaking in inner monologue, he describes the forests as gloomy and nearly worse than death. He can detect someone following him, but each time he tries to approach, his pursuer vanishes. Upon arriving, he finds his servants slain, his father dead and his beloved fiancee Beatrice lying on the ground, dying of a stab wound to the stomach. As she dies, she turns into a spirit and begins to ascend into Heaven. However Lucifer, as a shadow, comes and takes her through the gates into Hell. In pursuit, Dante comes to the gates and Virgil offers to guide him into hell. After Dante invokes his faith he is able to tear open the gates and enter