How to sound like II from Sleep Token Snare Drum Re Creation
The video shows my process to reverseengineering a drum tone from frequency analysis to identify the fundamental note of the drum, to drum size, shell type and drum head selection, and of course tuning, we end up with a pretty awesome result and learned a few things along the way II from Sleep Token has one of coolest snare sounds of the last few years so it was a perfect one to start a new series with Who should we do next This video is an abridged version of a larger, more detailed video which is live on my brand new Patreon Page. Check it out for the full version Check out the full drum cover: Drums used: 13x7 Pork Pie Zebrawood, Rosewood Snare (maple shell) Remo P77, Remo Hazy Snare Side 22x14, 12x8, 14x14, 16x15 C C Player Date II 22 Dream Contact Ride 18 16 Dream Dark Matter Crashes 14 Dream Dark Matter Hats 20 Dream Lion China 8 Dream Bliss Splash 10 Dream Libor Hadrava Stack