G. F. Händel Solomon ( Labadie, 2014)
SOLOMON (HWV 67) Oratorio in 3 acts Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel (16851759) Libretto: Unknown (attributed to Newburgh Hamilton) First performance: Covent Garden Theatre, London, 17 March 1749 Solomon: MarieNicole Lemieux Solomons Queen: Shannon Mercer First Harlot, Queen of Saba: Karina Gauvin Second Harlot: Krisztina Szabó Zadok: James Gilchrist Levite: Philippe Sly Conductor: Bernard Labadie La Chapelle de Québec Les Violons du Roy Recorded live at the Palais Montcalm, Québec City (21 March 2014) Libretto available at: Picture: The visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon by Sir Edward John Poynter (1890). ACT I 00:00 1. Overture 07:09 2. Your harps and cymbals (chorus) 10:23 3. Praise ye the Lord (Levite air) 15:22 4. With pious heart (chorus) 19:54 5. Almighty Power (Solomon accompagnato) 22:40 6. Imperial Solomon (Zadok