THE CRATER, 2 views from 1. 700 feet above Main Sea Level
, THECRATER, LowFlying, Lava, Volcano, Vulkan, MyIceland2021, Iceland2021, Geldingadalur, Fagradalsfjall, FlyingOverVolcano, FlyOverCrater, Cessna DO NOT WALK ON LAVA. RESCUE IMPOSSIBLE. Two flights with 7 laps around the Crater and the Volcano at Geldingadalir, Iceland. ICELAND Geldingadalir eruptions most spectacular spot on Iceland since march 2021. Until June 12, 2021 the eruptions where 34 minutes long. The time between two eruptions was 1012 minutes. Now the situation changed: The lava flow is more constantly. More and more lava comes out of the crater, the crater is full like a bathtube with too much water in it. The lava inside is rolling like an ocean. The eruption area is 3 Kilometer east of Grusavik, 50 Kilometer southwest of Reykjavik. By car appr. 1 hour driving. By Cessna 172 appr. 1520 minutes. The world famous Blue Lagoon is less 10 Kilometer away. FOR PILOTS: To the east of Keflavik Airport there are 2 zones with restrictions. These are BIR2 and BIR3. Geldingadalir is located i