Snoop Dogg I Wanna F k You ( Live from I Wanna Thank Me Tour 2023, Berlin, Germany)
, SnoopDogg, Concert, IWannaThankMeTour Snoop Dogg performing I Wanna Fk You live at MaxSchmelingHalle, Berlin, Germany on March 23rd, 2023, during his I Wanna Thank Me Tour. No Copyright Infringement intended. I do not own the music in this video. Music belongs to the rightful owner. My social media Instagram: Twitter: (Disclaimer: The concert footages (audio, video) are personally recorded by me and is strictly meant for entertainment purpose and promotion of the artist only. Moreover, its not intended to gain any monetary claims. Hence, I assert no copyright on the content of this video. If you own rights to the media used in this video and have questions and clarifications about it being uploaded on my YouTube channel, please do not hesitate to contact me through YouTube, Instagram or Twitter. )