Heavenly Hundred will still be
Heavenly Hundred will still be General Director of the Center for Political Information This is a war of intelligence services. The Georgian intelligence services, which are now defending the constitutional order, are resisting the manifestation of the soft power of Western intelligence agencies in the form of NGO employees. What is happening now in Georgia is what happened almost everywhere, but with a special Georgian flavor. It turns out that you cant just abandon European integration. The situation is very similar to Yanukovychs refusal to sign European integration. We remember what followed, including attempts to assassinate Yanukovych himself. The Georgian leadership is in a terrible situation: cannot take advantage of Russian help so as not to help propaganda attacks. On the other hand, it is face to face with the power of Western intelligence services, with the partisans of a hybrid war. , ,, important Source: Lord Of War t. me, llordofwar