She can be described in three words: shocking, beautiful and ironic. This chaos girl nicknamed MALINA is a fresh, Russian performer who writes her own songs in English and comes up with music videos. MALINA Music producer: YOLY Cast: MALINA Blonde girl Brunette girl Bald girl Prod: Director Script: fuolkiss borisivan90 Camera: Yulia Orlova jjorlv CG: Maksim Semenov Costumes by Mark: Nails artist: Anastasia Kipriyanova and by salon KittyNails The Coffin by The Sistine Chapel MUA by Alena Eliseeva Assistants: Ksenia Maiskaya, Anastasia Karina, OneLittleMonster, Ekaterina Mironova Special Thanks: Suzy Zhak, Evgeniya Medvedkova Lyrics: Bite me I m a poisoned pie One last thing