It s a very busy week at the chateau as Mummy finally leaves Lalande to fly to South Africa to be reunited with Percy It s so strange to be parted from her but I m lucky to live with the loveliest bunch of people who distracted me wonderfully with an epic Halloween party. We celebrated it early (I m a week ahead with filming the Chateau Diaries) because some lovely friends of mine were visiting, which proved very lucky as we went into lockdown three days ago and would have been unable to host it on the night itself The Chateau Diaries Episode 173 Escape to the chateau with The Chateau Diaries This channel follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie in her French 16th century home, the Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France We share our life in this ancient chateau in the heart of the French countryside, and show you the diy, renovations, crafts,