The Last Phase: Latest film despatch from North Africa shows relentless Allied pressure
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Film from the North African campaign showing Allied progress, including rendezvous between the Eighth Army and US Forces and meeting between General Eisenhower and Field Marshall Montgomery. Full Description: GOOD SCENES: GV three trucks with German and Italian prisoners in field. CU truck showing Iron Cross and smiling Italian driver past camera full of German and Italian prisoners. CU truck past camera full of prisoners. LV pan six trucks full of prisoners in field driving away. SCU showing Iron Cross on truck and pan prisoners looking at camera. LV towards German and Italian prisoners marching towards three and four deep. GBV mass lines of prisoners marching away into distance. Semi side view soldiers sitting on Churchill tank watching GBV prisoners marching away. LTBV prisoners marching away. LV towards mass pr