Whats in the BOOM box Panasonic RXFT570 cassette recorder
Exploring the internal design of a modern boom box. The Panasonic RXFT570 stereo radio cassette recorder ( often referred to as a boom box ) dates from the 1990 s and shows the evolution of cassette and audio technology from the vintage cassette recorder designs of the 1960 s. Featuring modular construction, IC chip electronics and quality amplification, this machine has excellent sound, ease of operation and durability. It also has the classic black stealth look of machines from this time period. About the Title Music: The title music to this video is from a synthesizer performance called CATZILLA III which accompanies the CATZILLA III parody, playing in the Clyde Cinema at: The CATZILLA parody has nothing to do with stealth technology or the Panasonic RX FT570 unit. I just like the music, which I composed myself, although I credit Lady Gertrude Dainty Paws as the composer because she is a cat. On the site, it is br, br,