Sugaring My Boyfriends Manzillion at Home
Get Access to Instant Promo Code Click here: NEW ONLINE STORE Mix match sugars, get bulk discounts more We can now support (code) wholesale customers online (or offline, depending on your preference). If you are a professional buying in bulk, please contact us so we can be sure to meet your unique needs. Live chat support (send message if we are offline and we will respond ASAP) Phone support (leave a message and we will call back ASAP) Grace boldly demonstrates how to sugar your own Brazilian wax, using My Gold Sugar and a special rolling on, rolling off technique. Learn more and purchase a jar of sugar at My boyfriend allowed me to video as I sugared his Brazilian at home. Before attempting this procedure on your boyfriend or husband, I highly recommend practising with the sugar on less sensitive areas like the back. what is sugaring This video covers the following for ma