Freeze Dance FUN , 30 MINUTES of FREEZE DANCE Songs for Kids, Jack Hartmann
Freeze Dance Fun by Jack Hartmann is 30 minutes of our favorite Freeze Dance Songs. Freeze Dance songs build auditory listening skills as students listen carefully for the cue to freeze. We have included the following freeze dance songs: Have Fun and Freeze Animal Dance and Freeze Squirrel Dance and Freeze Gingerbread Man Dance and Freeze Dance and Freeze Monster Dance and Freeze Freeze It Move It and Freeze It Watch Me Dance and Freeze Jack Hartmann s website: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook: Pinterest: Twitter: You can find Jack Hartmann s Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: CD Baby: Words and Music by Jack Hartmann Copyright 2023 Jack Hartmann s Hop 2 It Music