Italian War Song, Vincere, Vincere, Vincere
Vincere (English: To Win ) Is an Italianfascist war song, the text of which alludes to Italy s declaration of war on France and Great Britain. The declaration of war was made public on June 10, 1940 by the Duce of Italy Benito Mussolini. Italian proletarians and fascists are rising for the third time, strong, proud and united as never before. The word of order is one, categorical and challenging for everyone. It spread and conquered hearts from the Alps to the Indian Ocean: To Win And we will win to finally give Italy, Europe and the world a long period of peace and justice. Italian people Take up your arms and show your toughness, your courage and your bravery Mussolinis declaration of War L Y R I C S Vincere Vincere Vincere E vinceremo in terra, in cielo, in mare È la parola d ordine d una suprema volontà Vincere Vincere Vincere Ad ogni costo, nessun ci fermer