DOM MARTIN ( FR) play (guimbarde) Panda and Rabbit songs to GLOBAL VIBES 2016 Kecskemét ( Hungary)
Don t kill the panda, don t smoke the bamboo and play jew s harp it s good for health Great fun and pleasure for me to play again for the GLOBAL VIBES audience Laughing is not Thanks to Áron Szilágyi. Global Vibes is a multicultural, multifaceted event that brings together different music and art styles, interesting people playing weird musical instruments for a humble day at the end of the year. The link between the performances and its people is one of the most ancient instruments, the Jew s harp and the friendship derived from it. Many players, raypainted walls of the old synagogue, ancient instruments in modern electronic music, traditional dances and crazy experimental concerts with wonderful visuals. This is all Global Vibes.