UDU band ( Buryatia, Lithuania) Zulayashie wedding song
Zulayashie Dūno upė. A Wedding Song. In the old days, when a daughter was being seen off to the new family before her wedding, there were certain songs sung by the Buryat people. This song was part of every wedding. In the Lithuanian language, which is one of the oldest languages in the world, with ties to the ancient Sanskrit, there is a word teka, meaning flows. This word has multiple meanings. For example, in the morning the Sun rises (teka), the river flows (teka), the time passes (teka), a woman flows when she is on her moon time (menstruation) or when she is given away in marriage. In Lithuanian folk songs a woman is like a flowing river from which generations come. She is a river that connects us with our ancestors through our blood, nation, and the magic codes of folk songs. UDU Buryatia, Lithuania world music band Alexander Arkhincheev (Buryatia) vocal, throat singing, morin khuur, guitar Konstantin Tokarsky (Buryatia) drums percussion