PWA Black Label Back In Black Label
1. Jessica Troy (c) vs. Robbie Eagles (PWWA Title Match) 2. The Choc Blockers (Big Fudge Shazza McKenzie) vs. SMS (Bel Pierce Unsocial Jordan) 3. Sam Osborne vs. Steph De Lander 4. Jack Bonza vs. Kingsley (Leadership Of The Red Nation Match) 5. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher Mark Davis) vs. Generation Now (Matty Wahlberg Ricky South) 6. William Preston vs. Jimmy Townsend (Prefects Playground Brawl Match) 7. Mick Moretti vs. Lyrebird Luchi (PWA Premiership Final Match) 8. Mat Diamond vs. Charli Evans vs. Will Kiedis vs. Rhys Angel 9. The VeloCities (Jude London Paris De Silva) (c) vs. MK Plus Ultra (Kai Drake Michael Spencer) (PWA Tag Team Title Ladder Match)