Yoga for restricted hips Iyengar yoga
Yoga for restricted hips Iyengar yoga. Learn ways to open the outer hips and lengthen the groins in this class with Heather Sign up today for your 7day FREE trial to the VIP Members Video Library where you ll get anytime access to a full library of ondemand classes (all of which are 4575 minutes long). Plus you ll gain exclusive access to the Members Forum Enjoy the variety of classes on offer with over 400 sessions to choose from and new classes added every week Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:15 Sukhasana (simple crossed legs) variation on a chair 04:49 Parsva Akunchanasana (side squeezing pose) 09:42 Trikonasana using slanting bricks wall (triangle pose) 15:35 Trikonasana R side one foot to front of mat and one foot to back of mat (triangle pose) 17:26 Parsvakonasana R side one foot to front of mat and one foot to back of mat (lateral angle pose) br, br,