UFO and ALIEN ALERT Dont be afraid WAKE UP ( Chinese UFOs and ALIEN Sightings 2012)
Deutscher Titel: UFO und AUßERIRDISCHEN ALARM Habt keine Angst WACHT AUF (Chinesische UFOs und AUßERIRDISCHEN Sichtungen 2012) The video was shown 2014 on KerstinMonika deleted, censored channel by YouTube. I liked this video, cause of its music in the background. I ve mixed the music behind the video in 2014 and hope you ll like it also today as me. The video shall show a panic situation, when ALIENS arrive on earth peacely or militant. You don t know it. But you will know it as sooner as think. Watch the great harmonied video by me. Those probably were not UFOs that hovered over China recently, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology analyst said. The images of the UFOs have caused quite a stir in China and on blogs around the world. But many of the images appear to be faked with the software program Photoshop and the ones that were not faked seem to depict the launch of a Chinese ballistic missile, said Geoffrey Forden, an MIT weapons analyst. Keine Zeichen mehr.