Friday Night Funkin VS D Sides 3. 0 VS WEEK 6 7 + Cutscenes, ( FNF Mod)
Friday Night Funkin VS DSides 3. 0 VS WEEK 6 7 + Cutscenes ( Tricky, Zardy) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. The main update includes new weeks and extra d sides characters. philiplol Submitter: This is the official update for DSides. In this update, we battle Sensei, Planeman (DSides Tankman), A DSides Mario character named DSides Tricky from Madness Combat DSides Zardy. There are a bunch of cool fnf animation, cutscenes in week 7. VS Friday Night Funkin DSides Mod Download: Game Note: Fight for your super hot redhead Girlfriend as her Rock Star father, her also super hot Pop Star mom hires crew to kill you. Can you prove your love for her Only one way to find out. Get ready to get freaky in yet another remix Mod. Update Note: Added Week 6 and 7 + Extras Friday Night Funkin : DSide is created by DastardlyDeacon All