This little girls heartbreaking cries turned to heart melting smiles
When a suffering animal heals, the whole universe becomes sweeter. Please donate: When our rescuers approached this little angel, her tail wagged briskly, but we could see that she was frightened and confused, and her wagging came from intense shyness. When we began to lift her, her pain spiked; her cries were heartbreaking. In our hospital, we treated her for pain right away, and her eyes softened as the medicine did its work. When spinal damage is acute, patients often have no feeling in their toes. A damaged spinal cord means broken communication between the brain and the limbs. We were immensely relieved to find that she did have sensation in her toes, and now we hoped that the damage to her spine might heal with bed rest. Her shyness lingered, and even eating in front of our caregivers was difficult that first day. But watch what happens as this incredibly modest young lady heals You re about to see the astounding beauty of gro