Japan Sends A Present Of Deer To President De Gaulle (1960)
Orly Airport Chateau de Rambouillet, Paris France JAPAN SENDS A PRESENT OF DEER TO PRESIDENT DE GAULLE Air France aeroplane of Japan Air Lines. MS. Two Gendarmes. MS. Japanese Ambassador to France, M. Furakaki. CU. Aircraft with Chateau de Rambouillet written on side. MS. Large packing case being lifted from plane. MS. Japanese Ambassador and representative of President de Gaulle looking at the cases. MS. Battery of cameramen. LS. Ambassador Furakaki feeding the animals inside cases. MS. Air stewardess looks through the cases. CU. Labels on cases. MS. Cameramen photographing the animals in cases. LS. Cases are loaded onto lorry. LS. Air France planes on aerodrome. MS. Pressmen walking away from Air France plane. Various shots, pressmen gathered on lawn, as animals are released from cases. Various shots as deer are released from cases, rings are put on their legs and they bound off into the woods. LS. Chateau de Rambouillet. CU. Signpost Rambouillet. (Mute F. G. ) FILM A VIDEO