Can Exes Be Friends
Partners who break up frequently think that the nicest thing to do is to try to remain good friends. But this nicesounding gesture frequently brings with it unexpected consequences. It may be better to plot a different course. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): Join our mailing list: Or visit us in person at our London HQ FURTHER READING There are some very strong and sociallyendorsed reasons why partners breaking up generally try to remain friends. To the person being however nicely rejected, the promise of friendship can feel like an emotionallyreassuring consolation prize. We may no longer be allowed to share their bed, have children with them or end our days in their company, but at least something can be rescued from the ashes: we will continue to be able to call them when we like, share our fears and go to the movies You can read more on this and other