PSX Doom: The Forgotten Chapter Map03 Complex Moon 2099 ( GZDoom)
Hello everybody I m glad to release my own project with a very long buildtime. It s a special psx doom tribute with some extra stuff on secret maps. A forgotten chapter s story started around autumn of 2010. Me and my cousin Seifer just began to create some simple wads (I made not only whitemare 2 map05 as doomwiki tells xd). I m very huge fan of psx doom for a very long time. Before the first release I found Threshold of Pain by John Gourley (alias scalliano) and felt a real extra inspiration. So what about releases: Master of Cooperation (first name of this project) 31, Dec, 2010 PSX DooM: The Forgotten Chapter (beta) 8, Jan, 2015 (total rebuild) PSX DooM: The Forgotten Chapter 3, Mar, 2023 Special thanks to: DexiaZ, Nicothefuggit, Seifer, Amsek, Dartpower, Dron12261 Download: VK Instagram Discord htt