The Bug Buried( Your life is short)
I infringe the Copyright. Send message to: I will remove video. Thank you. . aaanD Live long Prosper. This is the 5th and final installment in The Bug s heavyweight series of Machine EPs. The five tracks contained herein, substantially reinforce the intensely physical intent of the earlier releases, providing the desired incendiary fuel for Kevin Martin s live shows and PRESSURE parties. Volume V was crafted and dropped to unleash maximum havoc at The Bug, Flowdan show in Dublin this w, e. Made to break bodies and test rigs, this quintet of floorwreckers go even slower and lower than the previous Machine weapons. Machine V is a homage to irresistible riff worship and total bass immersion, taken to the most brutal extreme. But it also offers a surprising tangent, with the speed relief of Fucka, a hyper filthy perversion of US which still so