Flat Earth Puzzle SOLVED ( The facts they tried to hide) Flat Earther revelations 2x2x2 Rubiks
SOURCES, LINKS MENTIONED IN VIDEO 2x2x2 globe puzzle purchase details Flat Earth Model (not my puzzle) Water doesn t curve teeshirt (Video) 7 rockets hitting the dome , firmament Books about Flat Earth fantasy CLAIMS I MADE ABOUT FLAT EARTHER BELIEFS. Water doesn t curve Flat earthers alternative to gravity Flat earther claims about dome height MY FAVOURITE PUZZLE STORES 1. HKNowStore (Free worldwide shipping, good customer service, PayPal, all currencies accepted). 2. Amazon 3. Puzzle Master My website showing every puzzle I have ever made and much more MEDIA, NEWS COMPANIES Many of my videos are available to licence through my Newsflare account . No other use is permitted. As an affiliate with HKNowstore, Lightake, Puzzlemaster, VeryPuzzle Amazon I earn a small percentage from purchases made through my links with no extra cost to you. I left comments on for as long as I could bare but I swear these flatards get more retarded by the day. , TonyFisher