Tiny Tot Drivers (1965)
Chertsey, Surrey. Young boy driver is focus of this story. 4 year old Roger Benson, son of a petrol station owner Colin Benson, is seen in a scale model of a racing car. Colin and dad put some oil on the joints of the car. Roger has a broken collar bone so doesn t really drive, his dad pushes him around. Dad fills the tiny engine with petrol from the pumps. Brother 6 year old John has a go too he drives it for real. They have a track in their garden. Good shots of him speeding around in his model car. He smiles looks like fun. Sister looks on why doesn t she get a go The boys want to follow in Jim Clark s footsteps. Narrator wonders if appearing in the Pathe Pictorial will give the boys the confident ambition that will take them to the top. Note: Interesting commentary where narrator tells the viewers: Any member of any cinema audience gets the chance in Pathe Pictorial to appear on the same screen as the stars if they do something a little Name of the garage might be