Beyond the Law 1992 I cant do this anymore
Charlie Sheen in one of his best performances in Beyond The Law aka Fixing The Shadow 1993 all credits to Lions Gate Films IMDB info You spit in my face, you beat a federal agent almost half to death. Then you point your gun at a state trooper and dare him to shoot you. I did what I had to, damn it. You did more than that. You were enjoying yourself. I saw you You ve jeopardized this entire operation. There isn t a cop within a thousand miles who isn t gunnin for you Fuck em And fuck you Everything s turnin to shit. It s gotta stop. Look. I don t wanna go on with this. Let s make some arrests. It s obvious you re under a terrible strain. But now is not the best time to terminate the operation. I can t do this anymore Just give me two weeks. We ve worked so hard on this. Everything we ve done could go out the window. I ve been invited to Washington