Why People Lie, Kim Serota, TEDx Oakland University
Most people agree that lying is a socially undesirable behavior. So why do almost all of us still do it This talk will explore the role of lying in personal relationships, business, and everyday life, and offer an explanation for why lying is such a fundamental, if not particularly positive, behavior. The answer is both simple and profound. Dr. Kim Serota is a Special Instructor at the Oakland University in the School of Business Administration. Dr. Serota was trained as a social science researcher focusing on persuasion and politics. Throughout his career, Dr. Serota has worked at Ford Motor Company as an Analyst, Volkswagen of America as the Manager of Marketing Research for Porsche, Volkswagen, and Audi, and later joining the marketing research firm AllisonFisher as Partner and Senior Vice President in charge of European brands. Upon retirement, Dr. Serota started his own marketing consulting firm and returned to teaching at Oakland University. His research program has focused on deceptive communication