Navigating the Derek Chauvin Trial: The Law and Policing
UVA Law professor Anne Coughlin and Batten School professor Brian N. Williams comoderate a panel discussion of legal experts discussing a range of police topics, including the history of the profession, its culture, standards and training, accountability mechanisms and future efforts to reform. The panelists are Professor Rachel Harmon, director of the UVA Law Center for Criminal Justice; Shannon Dion, director of the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services; Harvey Powers, director of the Division of Law Enforcement for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Service; Gary Cordner, academy director for the Baltimore Police Department; and DeAnza Cook, candidate at Harvard University. This event was the second of a fourpart series examining Derek Chauvins ongoing trial for the death of George Floyd and was cosponsored by UVA Laws Center for Criminal Justice, the UVA Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, and the UVA Police Department. (University of Virginia School of Law,