Moms Unite talks with David Icke about how Government is coming to kill your kids with Covid Jabs
Moms Unite talks with David Icke about how Government is coming to kill your kids with Covid Jabs Maria Harris from moms unite for freedom talks to David about the Covid19 scamdemic and how the governments plans to kill your kids with these Jabs Have you heard of the emerging theory of what viruses might be: Are you absolutely certain that Covid19 is contagious or even real How confident are you in the results from the PCR test Is there something in the back of your mind telling you maybe this pandemic is not what we are being told And that the vaccines may not be as safe as they claim Well experts all agree that the Covid19 vaccine is not a vaccine. It was designed to make you sick with multiple diseases This shot is injecting the disease into your cells and it cannot be removed full descr: source: David Icke video descr source: