Impossible 3 D Troll Base vs Bronze League Clash of Clans
Clash of Clans Impossible Troll Base versus Bronze League includes funny moments, epic fails etc. This CoC town hall 14 base can be built also for th7, th8, th9, th10, th11, th12, th13. Stay tuned for more as I will be making content about Clash of Clans New Spring Update that is around the corner. Sub 4 more CoC movie animation, try not to laugh compilation, update news, noob trolling bases, top5, guides, vs challenges , funny compilations, coc gameplay :), clashofclans, coc Instagram: Subscriber count: 841, 000 MY OTHER VIDEOS: SQUID GAME BUT IN CLASH OF CLANS FOR 2. 8 MILLION GEMS HOW TO GET FREE GEMS IN CLASH OF CLANS NO CASH, HACK, CHEAT CLASH OF CLANS WAS MADE BY EA