Bygga Bilder, On the scenography of Tarkovskis Sacrifice (1990) Kerstin Eriksdotter
English subtitles thanks to Alexia Santos. Thank you very much Also great thanks to Àlex Cardona and Gonzalo Blasco for the Spanish Subs The stage scene in Offret in Swedish, is about the work of the production designer Anna Asp. Documentary by Kerstin Eriksdotter 1990 49 In this documentary, produced by the Swedish Film Institute in 1990, Anna Asp, set designer of Sacrifice, tells how was designed the house of the film, how it was built and the importance of the models that were created. It also speaks about the demands of Tarkovsky, his method of calculating the sizes, the characters and camera work of carpenters, painters. .., building the sets in home study and the life that gave each room. (sorry for the bad translation from spanish) Bygga Bilder: La escenografía de Sacrificio 49 53 , 4:3, DD 2. 0 Sueco, sutbitulado en castellano Producido por el Swedish Film