sorry, youre just not a natural beauty
so natural beauty is dead. Want to try tinted skincare Use link: to get 1 x FREE Biphase makeup remover added to all orders over 40 (only when you shop directly via this link ) Minimum spend is 40 offer expires 1 week after video goes live. Kendall Jenner, Megan Fox, Michelle Keegan are just some of the women who have been praised for being natural beauties. Their faces are technically perfect, apparently. Yet are these women actually natural beauties or, have their beautiful faces been tweaked, refine and enhanced These days, it seems that to be considered a natural beauty, you need to have had a little help from a plastic surgeon. You need a little filler. A little botox. A little nose job. Thats still natural beauty right Well i dont think so. I think were heading down a slippery slope where being an ACTUAL natural beauty aka your face as nature intended isnt good enough anymore. Its not enough to be pretty. To be yourself. No, you need