She Keeps Bees Our Bodies (official audio)
2017 single, lim ed. 7 vinyl (BBI 0297) performed, recorded by She Keeps Bees, written by Jessica Larrabee Jessica Larrabee quoting from Angela Garbes book Like A Mother: Control over our own bodies is an essential freedom, but its one that women have never been able to take for granted. We live in a society that, even as it relies on us to exist, continually conspires to remove us from our bodies and to punish us when we exercise our rights to or not to reproduce. True female reproductive health, which is the foundation of everyones health, requires that the social systems in which we live allow us to make informed choices about what is best for each of us. This passage from Like A Mother captures exactly why I wrote the song Our Bodies. Thank you Angela Garbes for this beautiful book and bringing womens health to the forefront of issues important to us , SheKeepsBees, BBIsland