Real Time Facial Expression Transfer, Two Minute Papers, 21
In computer animation, animating human faces is an art itself, but transferring expressions from one human to someone else is an even more complex task. One has to take into consideration the geometry, the reflectance properties, pose, and the illumination of both faces, and make sure that mouth movements and wrinkles are transferred properly. The fact that the human eye is very keen on catching artificial changes makes the problem even more difficult. This paper describes a realtime solution to this animation problem. The paper Realtime Expression Transfer for Facial Reenactment is available here: Recommended for you: ALL Two Minute Papers episodes :) Subscribe if you would like to see more of these The thumbnail image was created by tommerton2010 (CC BY 2. 0) Changes have been made to it (eye color, flip, background). Splash screen, thumbnail design: Felícia Fehér Károly ZsolnaiFehér s links: Patreon Facebook Twitter Web