Buckethead Soothsayer, Meta Matic( A+ audio 4 K Video Front Row) 2016 Lincoln Theater 5, 13, 2016
I saw Buckethead back in 07 at the HOB, and he s really evolved as a showman, and his chops have improved, if that s even possible. It s nobody s business ranking guitarist by talent or skill, because it s an unwinnable argument. As a guitarist of 30 years, I can t think of a guitarist, artist, musician, entertainer that keeps getting better, heavier, more melodic, and advancing the art guitar wizardry like Mr. Buckethead. He s the Steph Curry of guitar right now. Also, I never dreamed while listening to Praxis, DeathCubeK, Bucketheadland in 1995 that 21 years later, me and my 2 teenage sons would all get to be frontrow and get to tap the coveted redarcade kill switch on his guitar during the show What an honor m, m, Raleigh, North Carolina 5, 13, 2016 BUCKETHEADJORDAN2016 A+ audio 4K Video Front Row Lincoln Theater, Raleigh NC USA 5, 16, 2016