Demo of the lesson 24. Logical style. Diagram 2
One of the first tasks in a logical style. German school of chess composition. The introductory move contains an unobvious threat. It is noteworthy that the name of the task Swallow (German: Die Schwalbe ) gave the name to the German chess community of problemists. Excerpt from the 24th lesson Logical style. Diagram 2. Mat in 4 moves. Do you want to learn how to solve chess problems The international grandmaster for solving chess compositions, Alexander Azhusin, prepared a video course Basic methods of solving chess problems. Author and presenter Alexander Azhusin Videography Evgeny Zhuravlev Video editing Mikhail Volkov Designer Maria Vorobyova Emblem Design Maria Sergeeva 3Danimation Anton Efremov (3DPROM Studio English translator Karpenko Ulyana English dubbing Nikita Arutyunov The film is mounted on the studio UG7 Video Cou