Why Storm Clouds Turn Green Before a Tornado
Why do clouds turn green before a tornado occurs Are these green clouds directly linked to tornadoes forming Lets find out Hidden inside visible sunlight is the rainbow of colors all mixed up. If an object reflects back, or scatters all that light, that object appears to us, white as well. If an object absorbs all the light, and scatters none back, it appears black to us. Thats the main reason why my black car gets hotter than the white car parked next to me. If an object absorbs only some of the colors in the spectrum and scatters back others, it appears to our eye, the colors scattered back. So a red apple absorbs blues and greens and scatters back red. Bodies of clear water, absorb reds, and yellows first, and scatter back mostly blue. Some of the biggest thunderstorms can generate areas of concentrated heavy rain and hail that look like waterfalls. Storm chasers call this the core. Sometimes storm clouds part giving you a glimpse into the core aloft. If youre underneath