Monica Beckwith Have you really taken the time to know me: A G1 GC saga
Ближайшая конференция: Joker 2023, 910 октября (Online), 1314 октября (Offline, СанктПетербург) Подробности и билеты: . .. Since JDK 9, G1 GC is the default garbage collector (JEP 248). Up until 2017, Monica have shared some G1 GC details, performance tips, optimizations that help G1 s adaptiveness and provided advice on manual tuning. Since then, G1 has come a long way in improving its adaptiveness. In this session Monica will cover most of the important optimizations that are delivered from JDK9+ and how they can help your application s responsiveness, its throughput and help with footprint reduction. This is a saga that involves various regions and generations (all pun intended).