Full Senate Roundtable Speech
Dr. Jordan B. Petersons full Senate roundtable speech. You might consider watching mikhaila s first as it preceded this speech: Link to written speech: Link to Mikhailas written speech: Thank you to Senator Ron Johnson for hosting, and to RFK Jr. and Trump for bringing these issues to light. Unlock the adfree experience of The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast and dive into exclusive bonus content on DailyWire+. Start watching now: ALL LINKS: , , COURSES, , Discovering Personality: Self Authoring Suite: Understand Myself (personality test): , , BOOKS, , Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: , JordanPeterson, JordanBPeterson, DrJordanPeterson, DrJordanBPeterson, DailyWirePlus