The Best There Ever Will Be Part 3, 3
Finally. After two months and 100+ hours of editing, it s finally here. Whether it s good or not will be up to you, but I am proud of what we ve done. This is a 30+ minute documentary, music video of what is known as one of, if not the greatest rivalry in WWE history; Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart, done by myself and my brother (Moving Picture Classics). We started by almost writing a script, found out which one of us would do which parts and got to work. It took a while, but I m glad we took our time with it. It s the best piece of work I ve done so far. And if you watch all the way to the end, you ll see theres more to come. This video was created for personal use as a hobby, and uploaded only for comments. There was, is and will be no profit whatsoever made off of this video. We are in no way affiliated, associated with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. or any artist or promotional group depicted in this video. No copyright infringement br, br,