my Favorite Pink Floyd song
Growing up I was never a big, pinkfloyd fan as I got older I really started to like their music for me its very relaxing music I can turn Pink Floyd on exspecially, thewall album and fall to sleep this video here is without, rogerwaters this is david Gilmours version of Pink Floyd I personally am a big fan of waters exspecially for his anti israel stance and he refuses to play in the terrorist state of israel Im glad he speaks out against Israels war crimes I personally consider israel to be the biggest problem on earth so I truly respect him for speaking out against this terrorist nation and recently the past few years pro Israeli and jewish groups have been boycotting roger waters concerts and trying to create campaigns to get his, rogerwatersthewall concerts shut down exspecially in America for the truth he speaks I cant wait till he ever plays in moscow again I will buy a ticket and go see him in fact Ill buy extras to give them away just to spite them Thank you roger waters