Undercover Investigation at Hy Line Hatchery
Thrown, dropped, mutilated, and groundup alive. This is the disturbing reality faced by hundreds of thousands of chicks each day at the world s largest egglaying breed hatchery HyLine International in Spencer, Iowa. New hidden camera footage obtained at this facility during a undercover investigation gives a disturbing glimpse into the cruel and industrialized reality of modern hatcheries. The warm, comforting, and protective wings of these newly hatched chicks mothers have been replaced with massive machines, quickly moving conveyor belts, harsh handling, and distressing noise. These young animals are sorted, discarded, and handled like mere cogs in a machine. For the nearly 150, 000 male chicks who hatch every 24 hours at this HyLine facility, their lives begin and end the same day. Grabbed by their fragile wings by workers known as sexers, who separate males from females, these young animals are callously thrown into chutes and ha