Russian Mig 35 Fighter Air Crafts Only For Pakistan Air Force Not For IAF, SU 35, Double Engine Jet
, PakRussia, PakRussiaDeals, MigAriCrafts, Su35ForPAF Pakistan And Russia Arms Deals: ussian and Pakistani media outlets have reported on a sizeable arms package currently being negotiated between Moscow and Islamabad, with a number of new Russian weapons systems being considered for the modernisation of the Pakistani armed forces. This comes shortly after clashes with the Indian military in late February, in which the larger South Asian states formidable arsenal of advanced Russian made hardware ensured a considerable advantage in case the conflict escalated with its Su30MKI air superiority fighters, T90MS battle tanks, and long range surface to air missile network among other assets without peer in the Pakistani inventory. Indian orders for S400 surface to air missile batteries, further Su30MKI and MiG29 fighters, ongoing negotiations for Su57 fifth generation fighters, and considerable interest in acquiring T14 next generation battle tanks, have forced Pakistan to move quickly to moderni