Chapter 10 of 13 Slaying of Shumbha
Shri Mataji Source : Markandeya Puran Voice : Anjali Kadri The Rishi said : Seeing his brother Nishumbha slain, who was dear to him as his life, and his army being slaughtered, Shumbha angrily said, O Durga you are too proud of your strength, dont show your pride here. If you think you are so powerful, then why do you resort to the strength of others in war Devi said, I am all alone in the world. Who else is there besides me See, O vile one, see how these Goddesses, who are my own powers, enter into my own self After saying this, Brahmani and the rest of the Devis, got absorbed into the body of the Devi. Devi said, The numerous forms, which I had projected by my power have been withdrawn by me, and now I stand alone. Get ready to fight. The Rishi said : Then began a dreadful battle between the two of them, Devi and Shumbha, while all the devas and asuras looked on. With showers of arrows, with sharp and frightful weapons, both e