Kennedy Death Reaction In Germany (1963)
Unissued, Unused material Bonn and West Berlin, West Germany (FDR Federal Republic of Germany). GV Oil tanker on the Rhine. VS German and American flags at half mast on houses and buildings around Bonn, including the Town Hall. LS Small crowd of people on street corner in Bonn. CU German people s faces looking at street notice board. CU Notice board with news of the assassination on it. VS People buying German newspapers and CU montage of all the headlines of newspapers telling of the assassination. GV Brandenburg Gate where flags are not at half mast, pan to Reichstag building with flag at half mast. VS Berlin flag and others at half mast around Berlin. MS Pan, of taxi in Berlin moving along street with small flag at half mast on aerial of the taxi. VS Buses and taxis with black ribbon trimmings. GV Low angle looking up clock tower of Berlin Town Hall MS German, Berlin and American flags flying alongside each other. VS Berliners queue to sign book of condolence and inside of people signing it.